On Sunday morning, we wrapped up our summer series on 2 Corinthians with what is a substantial climactic conclusion to Paul’s letter. “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power in made perfect in weakness” is earth shattering, paradigm shifting and life altering. As I said on Sunday, these words from the Lord and Paul’s following response on how he will now boast in his weaknesses, so God’s power would dwell in him have been some of the most transformative words in all of scripture for me.

In my late teens, a mentor challenged me in the way I relate to people to consider how I show certain things in order to get what I want and hide other things in order to protect myself. Since that time, I have never stopped considering that question. It is an evaluative framework that is engrained into my core. There have been many times in my life that I would be in a setting where my human intuition told me that I didn’t measure up, so I sense myself trending toward persona mode trying to pretend to be something that I’m not. One time that comes to mind was my first semester as a college professor. I was in my late 20’s surrounded by other professors, who were much older and more seasoned than me, a few of which were my own professors at one time. I certainly had moments of imposter syndrome and felt at times like I better “act” the part. A couple of months into that year I was sitting in a chapel service and felt like I heard the Lord so clearly say to me “You are enough. You are enough, because I am enough.” Those words were so empowering for me. I knew the Lord was reassuring me that He was not asking me to be anyone else. Did I have my areas of lacking? Of course, I still do, and so does everyone else, but none of that matters. The Lord wasn’t the one who told me that I wasn’t enough. He wasn’t the one in the garden who told Adam and Eve to run and hide, because they were naked. The Lord was the one who told me that I was enough, because He was enough. These are the same words to Paul “my grace is sufficient for you.”

Today friends, I still can ebb and flow in feelings that tell me I’m lacking and not enough, or maybe even on the other spectrum sometimes with feelings like I’m more than enough. Neither of these feelings are reality. The truth is that I’m ridiculously in need of God’s grace, which is okay because God is generous, and his grace is sufficient.

Here are the questions I gave on Sunday for us to consider as our journey through2 Corinthians ended:

What are the Things I Show People in Order to Get what I Want?
What are the Things I Hide from People in Order to Protect Myself?
How Might God be Asking Me to Trust Him More in My Weakness?

I know I asked on Sunday if you would be willing to reflect on these questions with me this week, so we can become more aware of the false self we present to others. However, the truth is I hope that each of us never stop reflecting on these questions, because I believe with all my heart that this evaluation is a monumental step to the deeper path of Christian discipleship.

Sunday Mornings at 9:00 AM
Donuts and Discussions will begin this Sunday, August 11th at 9:00 AM in Friends Center for kids 3 years old – 12th grade. Join us as we discuss how we can lean on Jesus and each other as we navigate through school, family, friends, and life.

An Adult Sunday School Class for all ages meets at 9:00 AM in the Bride’s Room before Worship at 10:00. We would love for you to join us for scripture and conversation!
Sunday Evening Activities
Sunday Evening Activities are resuming soon. Fuse and Core will resume Aug. 25th; Kidzone and Bible Study will resume Sept. 8th.
Student Ministries Update
Back to School Pool Parties
Student Ministry Activities kick off the new year with a Back to School Pool Party on August 18th at the Wilber’s House (1004 Majestic Friendswood, 77546).
As prep begins for a new year, Katelyn will host parent meetings to keep you informed. Parents of 6th graders – 12th graders, if you couldn’t make the meeting last week, please plan to attend a quick meeting in between the pool parties from 6:30-7:00 PM at The Wilber House.
Fuse and Core: Coming Soon!
Both programs are back in action starting August 25th. Contact Katelyn for more info!
Children’s Ministry Update
Children’s Corner
In Children’s Church, Ms. Tena showed our kids how to pray using their hand as a prayer map:
THUMB: show me your thumb and say “YOU ARE AWESOME!” Our thumb helps us remember to give God praise and worship. (“God you are…”)
FIRST FINGER: When we hold up one finger we are reminded to confess or tell God ONE thing we did wrong today and we want to ask for forgiveness about that one thing.  (“ I’m sorry for…”)
Now hold up two fingers: this is when we thank God for TWO things> what are two things that you are thankful for this week?  (“Thank you for…”)
FOURTH finger: we pray about something for others
FIFTH finger: we pray about something for ourselves  
PALM: slap your palm and say “AMEN!” or “HALLELUJAH!”
We hope this will be a fun way to help guide prayer time with your children at home!
Tweens Registration Opens Soon
Tweens registration opens this Thursday, August 15th at 9:00 AM, for all 5th graders. Visit our website for the registration link or follow our Facebook page for updates.
Register for Gym Kids
Gym Kids is a structured time for kids. Moms are free to take a break while their kids are busy using their gross motor skills and learning about Jesus. We welcome potty-trained children aged 3-5 years old. Registration is available on our website on Friday, August 16th.
Bell Friends
Rehearsals begin on August 29th. Practices will be on Thursdays from 12:30-2:00 pm.
July 2024 Financial Update
July Income:   $67,598.70
July Expense:      $88,802.79
Cash flow deficit for July:   $-21,204.09

 Year-to-date Income (as of 7/31): $551,532.13
Year-to-date Expense: $ 583,448.79
Year-to-date Cash flow deficit: $-31,916.66 

Thank you for your faithful giving to the ministries of the church!  If you ever have questions about church finance or would like more detailed information, contact Joyce Byrne at the church office. 
“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13:34-35
Love. Learn. Listen.