Welcome Letter

Welcome to Friendswood Friends Church. We’re a faith community of Jesus followers who strive to love, learn and listen in the way Jesus has taught us. We’re a group that seeks to pledge our allegiance to King Jesus above all else. In doing so, we strive to live in—and according to—God’s Kingdom here on earth as it is in heaven.

If you’re able to join us on a Sunday morning, we want to welcome you with hospitality. You’ll find our worship takes God seriously, while also being relaxed and simple. Please know that we are delighted in your presence. If you’d like, we are always happy to chat, answer questions or discuss how we might partner together. Ultimately, our prayer is for you to know that you are loved by God and by us, and that we’d be honored to have you join us as we seek to follow Jesus.



Whether you enter the parking lot off Spreading Oaks or through the cemetery, you won’t be hassled about where to park—just pick a spot! You’ll want to head toward the large drive-through covering that is on the parking lot side of our newest building. Enter through any of the big doors there and you’ll find greeters who will point you in the right direction. Our worship room is directly beyond that entrance, and our nursery (for infants up to 3 years) is through the coffee area and down the hall to the right. If you come for Sunday School (9:00 a.m.), all classes for preschool through high school are held in the two-story building to the rear of our campus.  We call it the Friends Center.  Greeters will be able to point you in the right direction and anyone across our campus will be pleased to help you along the way. Adult classes are located in the main building, just off the hallway in between our coffee area and church offices.

Our Sunday worship service runs from 10:00 to 11:00am.  We sing a mixture of hymns (accompanied by piano and organ) and praise songs accompanied by a band.

Our worship services are informal compared to many other churches. We’re not liturgical (don’t use written liturgy in worship), but we take God and worship seriously. Our services usually last about one hour. They begin with a musical prelude and words of welcome followed by scripture reading and prayer. Next we usually sing several songs together (you’ll find words to the songs on the screen or in the song book). Our worship continues through the giving of our money to God through the church—this act is not expected from visitors, but is a way our regular members have found expresses their thanksgiving and trust in God.

A unique part of our worship is what we call “unprogrammed worship.” It is a period of silence in which we speak to and listen to God corporately. It is a pause from the words and noise that surround us all week, and it allows us to settle in a way that prepares us to sense God’s presence among us. Sometimes someone will stand and speak during this time. They might offer a prayer, or a prayer request, read from the bible, or give a brief message to the congregation. Since we believe all people are taught and instructed by God, and that all people are gifted and called to be ministers, we consider any message brought during this time of unprogrammed worship to be worthy of serious consideration.

Finally, a pastor preaches for 20-25 minutes. The sermons are focused upon a biblical text and work to help listeners understand how the biblical narrative informs and shapes us today. Sometimes, the congregation sings a closing song before we are dismissed from worship with prayer.

We dismiss children ages 3 years old through 5th grade about half way through our worship service to “children’s church.” Kids are welcome to go or to stay in worship, either way, but most children love to go. Our pastor of children’s ministry and trained volunteers direct children’s church. If you send your kids when they are dismissed, you can pick them up after worship in the Friends Center, which is the two-story building to the rear of our campus.

People in our worship services wear everything from coats and ties to shorts and t-shirts.  You’ll find a wide variety of apparel is acceptable and no one is particularly concerned about how others look. The majority wear very casual clothes. All that to say, come dressed in whatever way you choose.




502 S. Friendswood Dr.
Friendswood, TX 77546