On Sunday evenings at 5 pm our church has an open Bible Study that meets each week in the Coffee Café. Anyone can hop in or out as needed, and all are welcome! We have been journeying through the gospel of Luke and having good conversations with one another.

Two Sundays ago, we covered a particular story in Luke 20 that I think is very helpful for us during election “seasons” like the one in which we find ourselves. During Holy Week, the chief priests and scribes in Jerusalem attempted to trap Jesus in a trick question. He responded with a brilliant answer:

They questioned Him, saying, “Teacher, we know that You speak and teach correctly, and You are not partial to any, but teach the way of God in truth. Is it lawful for us to pay taxes to Caesar, or not?” But He detected their trickery and said to them, “Show Me a denarius. Whose likeness and inscription does it have?” They said, “Caesar’s.” And He said to them, “Then render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” And they were unable to catch Him in a saying in the presence of the people; and being amazed at His answer, they became silent.

This famous statement of Jesus’ has been quoted and cited throughout history for a variety of reasons and is often abused. “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s. ”From the “divine right of kings” to Christian nationalists, this quote has been plucked out of context and used to separate the secular political or governing world from the spiritual. It’s been used to set the kingdoms of this world on somewhat equal footing with the Kingdom of God, encouraging people to live in one sphere sometimes and another at other times.
During election cycles and as we think about our government, I hope that we are reminded of a few simple facts:

1. That we are citizens of heaven far over and above all other realms.
2. If we are to give to God what is God’s, this begs the question: what is God’s? And the simple answer is, “everything.” Everything belongs to God.
3. As Jason Porterfield points out in his book “Fight Like Jesus,” Caesar’s image is on the coin, but God’s image is on humans as we are all created in His image—even those of the opposing party.

If these things are true, then it should affect how we have discourse and treat one another during election season. We are to view one another as image-bearers of God and loved by God—including people on other sides of political issues and parties from us. Our allegiance over all should be to Jesus and his mandate to love one another as he has loved us, not to the increasing societal trend of demonizing the opposing party or political candidates. Let’s be people who love one another well during this season and point one another back to God, rendering unto God what is God’s.

Bobby Kirkpatrick
Family Movie Night
Everyone is invited to a churchwide outdoor movie night on Friday, October 18th. Bring a chair or blanket as seating and your dinner and refreshments for the movie. Popcorn will be provided before the movie begins. The parking lot will open at 7:00pm and the movie will begin at 7:30pm. We will show Ron’s Gone Wrong on the side of Friends Center (gym building).
Movie Synopsis from Disney+: The story of Barney, an awkward middle-schooler and Ron, his new walking, talking, digitally-connected device. Ron’s malfunctions set against the backdrop of the social media age launch them on a journey to learn about true friendship.
Fall Festival
Fall Festival is October 27th! We will host a fun evening of old-school Friends Fall Festival activities, snow cones, hot dogs, trunk-or-treating, and so much more! There is no cost to attend, but donations to the Shower Ministry are welcome at the door. Feel encouraged to invite your friends and neighbors. Follow the link below to sign up as a volunteer. Contact Tena Roher if you have questions.
Fall Festival Volunteer Signup
Shower Ministry
The Shower Ministry for the Homeless is in need of donations. If you are cleaning out your closets or interested in blessing this ministry, there is a specific need for new or used men’s pants and shorts, and women’s leggings or pants.
There is always a need for belts, undergarments, toiletries, and shoes. We are thankful for your continued support of this ministry.
Baby Elder Shower
Help us celebrate the Elder Family and their new baby girl on Sunday, October 13th at 2:00 PM in the Coffee Cafe. A link to their registry at Baby List can be found below.Baby Girl Elder Registry
Sunday Evening Activities
All Sunday Evening Activities meet at their normal times and locations.
Student Ministries Update
reGeneration 2024
reGENERATION 2024 is a formation-focused gathering of 8th grade – college students alongside adults, who want to go deep. This will be an opportunity to learn, practice, and apply what is taught through interactive experiential labs. Intentional time for specific spiritual practices will be provided. reGeneration participants will feel equipped and challenged as apprentices of Jesus to explore life with God in order to more faithfully seek God’s Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.
Registration for reGeneration opens soon. Be looking for an email from Katelyn with instructions on how to register.
Jane Beck Arrangements
We are saddened by the news of the passing of Jane Beck. Jane was a long-time and faithful member here before moving to Chicago to be near family. Services for Jane will be Thursday, October 3rd at Jeter’s Funeral Home (311 N. Friendswood Dr.). Visitation begins at 10 AM and the Funeral Service begins at 11 AM. Then, there will be a graveside service in the Friends Cemetery and a small reception in the Coffee Cafe immediately following the services.
Parenting With Purpose
Hey Moms and Dads, have your kids ever had a meltdown? Have you ever responded to that flip-out with your own meltdown? Come join us and speaker Barbara Gruener on November 2nd as she provides us with information to help us understand why meltdowns happen and gain tools to help navigate those family blowups.
Look for more details and registration information to come out next week.
Bell Friends
Bell Friends:  Regular rehearsal times are Thursdays 12:30-2:00 PM.
So then, whenever we have an opportunity, let us work for the good of all. Galatians 6:10